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    Wednesday, November 20, 2002

    Anatomy of an Illness: The Atlantic Monthly article about JFK's medical history isn’t available online, but an interview with the author is. The article itself is very good, and worth reading. It details the symptoms and treatments that Kennedy went through beginning in childhood. He suffered severe bouts of diarrhea and rectal bleeding and had trouble gaining weight.- all the hallmarks of an inflammatory bowel disease, such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Although we don’t know with certainty what causes these conditions, they are both within the realm of autoimmune diseases - diseases in which the body’s immune system appears to turn on itself and cause inflammation in organs. Both Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis can be associated with inflammation in the joints and back (arthritis), as well as osteoporosis, and anemia - all of which JFK had. Most cases of Addison's disease are also believed to be autoimmune in origin, although in Kennedy’s case this may have been exacerbated by the steroids he took to try to control the colitis.

    If you’ve ever had a bad case of an intestinal virus, then you can begin to imagine how badly he must have felt most of the time. Add to that the pain from the compression fractures of his back and what sounds like pinched nerves from degenerative disc disease, and his body’s innate inability to respond to physical stress due to his Addison’s disease, and the amount of suffering is mind boggling. The article mentions that he was barely able to walk up and down stairs. It’s difficult to imagine how anyone could endure such suffering, let alone pose for those vigorous photographs - playing football, sailing a boat, frolicking in the ocean. Now we know why those who worked closely with him came to regard him with an almost saintly reverence. Then, too, it makes one wonder if those tales of sexual exploits were true or just propaganda. In the interview, the author speculates:

    One question that people constantly ask me is how he was able to perform these supposed Herculean feats as a sex machine, given the fact that he had serious back problems and so many illnesses. The answer may be that he carried on quite a bit in the White House swimming pool and (it's alleged) in the bathtub, and that he would practice sex in a supine position—taking the bottom position. This may explain somewhat how he was able to acquire such a reputation as a sexual athlete.

    Whatever you might think about the man, his morals, or his use of drugs, you have to admire his tenacity in the face of illness. He certainly didn’t let it get in the way of living.

    ADDENDUM: For a comprehensive synopsis of all the Presidents’ health click here.

    posted by Sydney on 11/20/2002 06:43:00 AM 0 comments


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