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    Sunday, April 06, 2003

    Journalistic Ethics: CNN’s doctor/medical correspondent, Sanjay Gupta, has sent media academics into a dither because he's been acting ethically, from a medical perspective. Gupta, who is a practicing neurosurgeon in addition to a reporter for CNN, is embedded with a group of frontline surgeons in Iraq, the Navy’s “Devil Docs”. They’re all general surgeons. He’s a neurosurgeon. When an Iraqi child was brought in with a schrapnel wound to the head, Gupta scrubbed in and performed neurosurgery. Unfortunately, the wound proved fatal, but the idea that a reporter would put his pen down long enough to try to help someone prompted the director of the ethics program at the Poynter Institute for Media Studies to tell the Boston Globe:

    ''I'm hoping and trusting that he and CNN set some thresholds,'' Steele said. ''I think it's problematic if this is a role that he's going to be playing on any kind of frequent basis. I don't think he should be reporting on it if he's also a participant. He can't bring appropriate journalistic independence and detachment to a story.''

    And the director of Columbia’s Project for Excellence in Journalism agrees, saying that now that Gupta has performed surgery, his “objectivity” is in question, especially since the Navy surgeons he works with praised his surgical skills. Yet, this same director had this to say about Peter Arnett's cozy relationship with the Iraqi government:

    "This is career suicide more than it is some great ethical breach," agreed Tom Rosenstiel, director of the Project for Excellence in Journalism, arguing that formerly strict rules against reporters commenting on stories they cover have softened in the face of media outlets' desire for publicity.

    So, it’s only a bad career move for a reporter to be so entrenched with a foreign government that he can’t objectively distance himself from their propaganda, but it’s a breach of journalistic ethics for a reporter to attempt to save a life. Is it any wonder that people trust the media even less than they trust politicians?

    UPDATE: There's a discussion of this in the comments section of the Blogcritics version of this post. If you're inclined to join in, please do.

    posted by Sydney on 4/06/2003 09:31:00 AM 0 comments


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