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    Sunday, September 07, 2003

    The Slippery Slope: This is just so wrong - a woman becomes severely disabled and her husband, after denying her standard rehab care for ten years, now wants to deny her food and water. And the court agrees. According to her family's website, money is the root of it all:

    In a malpractice lawsuit, Terri’s husband personally received over $300,000 for his loss of consortium. Terri was awarded $750,000 from this suit and an additional $250,000 from a separate malpractice lawsuit. The money was awarded to Terri for her care and rehabilitation and to be placed in a Medical Trust Fund.  Terri’s husband received his personal award money and Terri’s medical fund money in early 1993. From the date he received the award money in 1993, Michael Schiavo has denied Terri any rehabilitation treatment. Michael Schiavo has confined Terri to a nursing home (currently, Terri is in a Hospice facility) where she is 'maintained.'

    Her husband has directed that Terri only be sustained in a nursing home which is contrary to the intent of the award money.  Michael Schiavo has on two occasions unsuccessfully attempted to end Terri’s life by instructing her caretakers not to medicate Terri for potentially fatal infections. The first occasion occurred less than nine months after her husband received the malpractice award money.

    Of course, we're only getting one side of the story. Both sides could be equally motivated by the money. Who's to say her family won't be just as negligent if they get control of her funds? (Sadly, I've seen it happen with elderly people)

    Still, it's unbelievalbe that a judge is going along with the husband's request to deny her food and hydration, and that her doctors are classifying her as being in a permanent vegetative state. So unbelievable that it's tempting to think that both the NRO article and the family are exaggerating. But, then, go to the video. She's severely disabled, yes. But vegetative, no. She's clearly responsive.

    This is a situation in which the judge should exercise some, er, judgement. The court could give her parents the power to make healthcare decisions for her and appoint a trustee to manage the healthcare money. The court could solve her husband's problem by dissolving the marriage leaving him free to marry the mother of his children - and free from all obligations to his first wife. Such an arrangement would make everyone happy. At least it would in a world without greed.


    posted by Sydney on 9/07/2003 11:02:00 PM 0 comments


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