"When many cures are offered for a disease, it means the disease is not curable" -Anton Chekhov
''Once you tell people there's a cure for something, the more likely they are to pressure doctors to prescribe it.'' -Robert Ehrlich, drug advertising executive.
"Opinions are like sphincters, everyone has one." - Chris Rangel
German Stem Cells: While US researchers whine about limited funding for embryonic stem cell research, their German colleagues face much more serious obstacles:
Germany's 1991 Embryo Protection Law bans the production of human embryonic stem cells. Under a hotly debated law that took effect in 2002, scientists now can apply for licenses to import embryonic stem cells, but only from cell lines that date before January 1, 2002.
Those found to have been working on newer lines, or creating stem cell lines, are liable to prosecution. If convicted, scientists could face fines or up to 3 to 5 years in prison. posted by Sydney on
8/31/2004 10:32:00 PM