medpundit |
Saturday, July 02, 2005Amgen discontinued clinical trials of GDNF last year after some monkeys on high doses of the drug had brain damage. Amgen said it could not justify subjecting patients to additional risk because there was no evidence that GDNF was effective. The Thousand Oaks-based company also said one clinical trial showed that GDNF was no better than a placebo. But some clinical trial participants said they experienced dramatic improvements in their ability to perform day-to-day tasks - such as walking and writing - on GDNF. Two groups of patients, one in New York and one in Kentucky, have sued Amgen seeking to force the company to resume providing the drug. Researchers say that the drug caused regeneration of brain cells in one human subject, but the drug company says that may be, but their data show no objective evidence of brain function improvement. posted by Sydney on 7/02/2005 08:38:00 AM 0 comments 0 Comments: |