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    Tuesday, September 13, 2005

    It's Just a Fetus: Doctors in Kharkov, Ukraine, seem to be stretching the definition of embryonic:

    IT SEEMED, at first, to be an uncomplicated birth.

    After two hours of labour, Svetlana Pusikova delivered her firstborn at 4am on November 4, 2002. Medical staff whisked the baby out of the delivery room, leaving the 22-year-old waitress to recover in Maternity Hospital No 6 in Kharkov, eastern Ukraine.

    She never saw the child again.

    ....What is suspicious is that the hospital’s documents show that Mrs Puzikova gave birth to a “non-viable foetus” in her 26th to 27th week of pregnancy, not in her 39th as her own documents show.

    That meant that the foetus was buried as “biowaste”, along with 27 others at Kharkov’s Cemetery No 17. When the family demanded an inquest, officials exhumed the mass grave and found not 28, but 30 foetuses, many of which had had their internal organs removed.

    Video footage seen by The Times shows four foetuses which have clearly had their insides and brains surgically removed, and fragments of a larger baby, about one month old, also with many organs removed. None was identifiable as Mrs Puzikova’s.

    ....“If I hadn’t seen the babies that were exhumed, I would have thought they were stolen for adoption,”, said Mrs Zakharova. “But after that, I think they must have been used for cryobiology.”

    Dr Nazarenko and other local officials insist there is no medical use for such foetuses and accuse Mrs Zakharova of politicising the cases.

    ....Human tissue advertised on the internet by the Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kharkov

    Embyronic liver cells
    Umbilical cord cells
    Embryonic nerve tissue
    Placenta cells
    Foetal liver cells
    Material from human placenta
    Endocrine tissue
    Ovary tissue
    Embryonic thyroid gland
    Human thyroid gland
    Bone tissue
    Cartilage tissue
    Placenta extracts
    Cerebral tissue
    Liver tissue
    Cerebellum material
    Serum and plasma from umbilical cord
    Human cornea

    (via BioEdge.)

    UPDATE: Seems this has been going on for some time:

    I am originally from Kharkov and you can check with everyone who came from there that there were many instances in which babies 'disappeared' with all kinds of excuses for their disappearances given.

    It was really bad during Soviet times but I see some things never change. I am just heartened that this is now internationally exposed.

    posted by Sydney on 9/13/2005 07:43:00 PM 0 comments


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