"When many cures are offered for a disease, it means the disease is not curable" -Anton Chekhov
''Once you tell people there's a cure for something, the more likely they are to pressure doctors to prescribe it.'' -Robert Ehrlich, drug advertising executive.
"Opinions are like sphincters, everyone has one." - Chris Rangel
Stem Cell Tourists: Feeling your age? Go to Barbados:
Anti-ageing stem-cell injections made from aborted foetal tissue, £15,000. The past 12 months have seen this popular holiday resort become the stem-cell capital of the developed world, treating hundreds of patients in a year.
.....The clinic is so busy it has a waiting list of more than 1,000 patients for cosmetic treatments and has treated dozens of British women.... The clinic claims that the foetal tissue derived from elective abortions at six to 12 weeks is rich in regenerative stem cells. 'We inject the cells taken from the liver tissue of human foetuses directly into the vein in the back of your hand,' explains the well-spoken English consultant Jenny, who gives telephone consultations to potential patients.
'The results are incredible. You'll feel and look different after a month because these cells help the body to regenerate itself. The effects last for approximately a year before it needs to be "topped up'' '.
.... 'It is the most natural form of healing there is - in ten years, everyone will be doing this,' he says. 'You think better, sleep better, and look better. Your quality of life improves and your libido certainly improves.'
It all sounds so implausible you wonder whether they're really injecting stem cells or just snake oil. posted by Sydney on
8/07/2006 07:07:00 PM
"Look what they did to this place," Dr. Fatah said, shaking his head. "Why in the world would the Israelis target a hospital?"
Bombing a hospital is a clear violation of decency. Why would the Israelis do such a thing?
The probable answer was found a few hours later in a field nearby. Hidden in the tall grass were the burned remnants of a rocket-launcher.
Confronted with the evidence, Dr. Fatah admitted his hospital could have been used as a site from which to fire rockets into Israel.
Oh, that's why.
When a hospital is used as a launching site for an attack, it ceases to be a hospital. It's becomes a battleground whose fighters don't have the sense to move the sick and wounded out of harm's way. posted by Sydney on
8/05/2006 06:45:00 AM
Summertime Blues: I'm on call tonight, one of the hottest nights (and days) we've had this summer. It was only 91 degrees today, but the radio keeps referring to a heat index of 110 degrees. So far, I've had to calls from patients with heat-related illnesses. One was heat exhaustion, the other was suspicious for heat stroke. (Listen to your mothers, boys. Don't play basketball all day in the hot son with only a lone popsicle as your source of hydration.)
Since one is a minor, first-aid type emergency, and the other a major emergency room worthy emergency, here is the low down on heat exhaustion vs. heat stroke.
Heat exhaustion symptoms:
* Often pale with cool, moist skin * Sweating profusely * Feels faint or has collapsed * May be complaining of headache, weakness, thirst, and nausea * Core (rectal) temperature elevated—usually more than 100°F—and the pulse rate increased
Heat stroke:
* Unconscious or has a markedly abnormal mental status * Flushed, hot, and dry skin (although it may be moist initially from previous sweating or from attempts to cool the person with water) * May experience dizziness, confusion, or delirium * May have slightly elevated blood pressure at first that falls later * May be hyperventilating * Rectal (core) temperature of 105°F or more
....Home care is appropriate for mild forms of heat exhaustion. Heat stroke is a medical emergency, and an ambulance should be called immediately.
* For mild cases of heat exhaustion
o Rest in a cool shaded area. o Give cool fluids such as sports drinks or Gatorade that will replace the salt that has been lost. Salty snacks are appropriate, as tolerated. o Loosen or remove clothing. o Do not use an alcohol rub. o Do not give any beverages containing alcohol or caffeine.
* Heat stroke (Do not attempt to treat a case of heat stroke at home, but you can help while waiting for medical assistance to arrive.)
o Move the person to a cooler environment, or place him or her in a cool bath of water (as long as he or she is conscious and can be attended continuously). o Alternatively, moisten the skin with lukewarm water and use a fan to blow cool air across the skin. o Give cool beverages by mouth if the person will tolerate it.
He has made it known that from an early age he suffered from being manic depressive, but through his strong faith and appropriate medicines he has been able to overcome these shortcomings to attain the heights of stardom.
A bipolar out of control is a painful thing to watch. And Mel Gibson has certainly been acting like a bipolar man out of control. Too bad, because he seems to be a real stand up guy when he's in control. posted by Sydney on
8/01/2006 09:43:00 PM