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    Thursday, May 24, 2007

    What's in a Title? Sometimes, when someone wants to get our attention, they call themselves "Dr. So and So." Sometimes it's a ruse to get around the receptionist. "Dr. So and So is on the line about Mrs. X." And we drop everything wondering who is "Dr. So and So," and what's he doing to (with) Mrs. X only to discover it's Dr. So and So of the English department, a close relative. Rather annoying.

    Sometimes it's just done to impress. One evening a phone call came to my home when I wasn't available. One of the children answered and took a message, but not a good one. "Some doctor named Joe, couldn't understand the last name." I couldn't imagine why any of the doctors named Joe of my aquaintance would be calling me late in the evening, and at home instead of through the answering service, so I was left with the mystery - until the next day when I was confronted by an irate relative who was definitely not an MD. There's a lesson in that. The children of doctors are not impressed by doctors.

    Actually, about the only people who are impressed by the title are those who hold it:

    Feelings about "Dr." are bound up in that bitch-goddess, Status. (Yes, I know: James said Success. But Status is a sister.) The best line in either Austin Powers movie belongs to Dr. Evil, who, when addressed as "Mr.," says, "I didn’t spend six years in evil medical school to be called 'Mr.,' thank you very much!" Our senior editor Jeffrey Hart, professor emeritus of English at Dartmouth, remembers serving as a campaign adviser to Nixon (not that this is necessarily a segue from evil). To Jeff's amusement, Nixon called him "Dr. Hart." This accords with the Nixon we know: class-conscious, status-nervous, chip-on-the-shouldery, the boy from Whittier who received a tuition scholarship to Harvard but couldn’t go, because the family didn’t have the money to transport him to and from Massachusetts. Nixon, according to Jeff, would also say, "I’m no Ph.D., but . . .," before launching into a disquisition on some arcane topic.

    For some, to be called "Dr." is a way of saying, "I am somebody," in the words of the Rev. Jesse Jackson. (Ah, "the Rev. Mr. Jackson" and "the Rev. Al Sharpton" — that’s "a whole 'nother" article, as we say in my family.) Many years ago, another NR senior editor, Rick Brookhiser, surveying all the mail sent to Bill Buckley, adjudged that the most interesting letters were those from prison. And the least interesting? The ones from people who signed themselves "Ph.D." I know someone who's a lawyer in West Virginia who has found that the surest way to rattle his opposition's expert Ph.D. witness is to refer to him as "Mr."


    posted by Sydney on 5/24/2007 10:27:00 PM 3 comments


    I am amused by medical doctors who think that those with PhDs are the imposters. In fact, of course, the doctor of philosophy designation predates the medical degree by centuries.

    From Wikipedia:

    A doctorate is an academic degree of the highest level. The term comes from the Latin doctor, meaning "teacher." It originated in Medieval Europe as a license to teach at a university. In this sense doctoral training was a form of apprenticeship to a guild. The traditional term of study before new teachers were admitted to the guild of "Masters of Arts," seven years, was the same as the term of apprenticeship for other occupations. Originally the terms "master" and "doctor" were synonymous, but over time the doctorate came to be regarded as a higher qualification than the master's degree.

    I have close relatives who are MDs, PhDs, Master's etc., and they are just Uncle Bob, Grandpa, Grandma, Cousin Steve, etc. None of them are all THAT impressive, except in their human qualities.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:15 PM  

    Does anyone with a Master's degree ever expect to be called "Master?"

    By Blogger Sydney, at 9:14 PM  

    Sydney, "Master" is a title formerly reserved for young boys, so I guess not!

    The title "Dr." has lost its meaning, anyway, as there are all kinds of folks with non-doctoral level educations using it these days, primarily in health care.

    It is useful, however, to the extent that my family knows that if the person on the phone uses "Mr." or "Mrs.", it's someone we don't know.

    I never go by "Mrs." I'm okay with "Dr." or my first name, but if someone is going to use a title, they should use the right one. This is probably some deep-seated psychological compensation for giving up my maiden name, I suppose.

    Also, anonymous, MD's don't think those with PhDs are imposters. "Dr." is a social title, and its (former) usage was dictated by the likes of Emily Post, not the snobbery of the medical profession.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:23 AM  

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